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My Philosophy

Mindset - Nutrition - Training

My philosophy is simple. 



I am a massive advocate that everything begins with mindset. If you aren’t in the right frame of mind you are setting yourself up to fail from the get go. The end result of a persons transformation begins with getting the mindset right. From setting goals that are emotionally charged for the individual, to constructing a plan with their mental health in mind, factoring in their priorities and responsibilities that come with life. I aim to help clients with mental hurdles along the way, from how they view themselves, self talk, gratitude and appreciating their bodies, to learning to love themselves from other aspects that aren’t related to their physical appearance. From establishing a healthier, maintainable lifestyle, to setting realistic goals. From to learning to deal with feelings post comp to applying positive emotions with the changes that occur. Everyone is different, everyone has different goals and ideals and my aim is to take on board each clients needs and help them achieve this by changing their thought processes in a positive manner.



You can’t put sub-par quality fuel in a race car and expect it to perform well. You can’t build a house without some strong foundations. So you cannot expect your body to perform to its full potential, feel good and look good without fueling it with the right foods. I am a MASSIVE advocate for flexible dieting. Mentally it has a higher adherence rate, it is far more enjoyable and it forces the client to take responsibility and LEARN. Everyone has a diet, its just usually not optimal. Food isn't good or bad, it’s simply going to take you closer to, or further away from your goals. By using flexible dieting, you can learn how to enjoy all foods and still get results while enjoying life. Structured diets based on foods you enjoy are great for beginners and those learning flexible dieting but I do not advocate them in the long run as I aim to educate clients so they are in control. A good coach educates, and a good client is eager to learn. 



Just like nutrition, you can’t expect the body you desire by not moving it. Establishing safe, science based movement patterns with a focus on form is crucial. There is no need to spend hours in the gym, a quality program will have you in and out, using your time wisely. Quality and progressive overload are my staples. Many women fear resistance training thinking they will end up masculine. I can assure you this doesn’t happen. Infact what will happen is your body will look leaner, more toned and less jiggly when lifting heavy in conjunction with the right nutrition protocols. Cardio when not abused has benefits beyond energy expenditure. Some need it, some don’t. Having a custom designed program specific to your goals along side nutrition ensures your time spent in the gym (or at home) is time well spent. 


Set the mind, utilise flexible nutrition protocols, and train hard but smart. Be patient, be consistent. These are my beliefs in achieving long term success and happiness.

Flexible dieting Info
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